Equagel Protector


For individuals requiring moderate to high pressure relief, the Protector is 2 ½” or 6.4 cm of patented EquaGel with a ¾” contoured pelvic bucket sculpted in for stability and comfort. Equagel is a dry polymer rubber-like material shaped in a column lattice. These columns buckle proportionally to the weight being applied to them, thus giving exceptional pressure distribution as it continuously adjusts to your every move. The columns promote airflow and maintain the surface cool in temperature. This cushion is extremely resilient and will never lose its shape or cushioning ability – it will not go flat or soften over time. It requires very little maintenance and can be machine washed.
Ideal for those at moderate to high risk of pressure areas and those who have a grade 2 or below pressure sore.

SKU: N/A Category:

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For individuals requiring moderate to high pressure relief, the General by EquaPressure is 2 ½ inches of patented EquaGel with a ¾” contoured pelvic bucket sculpted in for stability and comfort.

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16"w x 16"d, 16"w x 18d, 16"w x 20"d, 18"w x 16"d, 18"w x 18"d, 18"w x 20"d, 20"w x 16"d, 20"w x 18d, 20"w x 20"d, 22"w x 16"d, 22"w x 18d